Our Team

Jere Van Patten is an award-winning actor and director as well as the Fine Arts Director at ALA Queen Creek.  Valley theatres he has worked with include Phoenix Theatre, Hale Centre Theatre, Southwest Shakespeare Company, East Valley Children’s Theatre, Desert Stages Theatre, Desert Foothills Theatre, and others.  He has his undergraduate degree in Theatre with an emphasis in Directing, and his graduate degrees are in Education & Training, and Theatre Directing.  He has spent most of his professional career teaching, mentoring, and developing fine arts curriculum.  He invites you to join the tradition here on campus  which  allows students the opportunity to pursue their interests, realize their potential, and thrive.  He lives in Mesa with his wife Allyson and three MVP’s: Maggie, Max, and Mayzie.

Jere Van Patten
Fine Arts Director

American Leadership Academy, Queen Creek 7-12's Fine Arts programs are designed to develop the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students.  At the Junior High and High School level, ALA offers performing arts programs in band, choir, dance, theatre, orchestra, and visual  arts. Our instructors are confident, enthusiastic  professionals who are committed to excellence. Programs vary  but  every grade level is welcome to participate, and each subject  has beginning, intermediate  and advanced sectors to choose from. 

Email Mr. V.